// ==UserScript== // @name Absolute dates on Stack Overflow // @namespace http://mrob.com/time/scripts-beta // @description Converts e.g. "5 days ago" on StackOverflow-related websites to actual date and time (in local time zone) // @author Robert Munafo // @version 20201009.1957 // @downloadURL http://mrob.com/time/scripts-beta/stackoverflow-absolute-dates.user.js.txt // @include https://*.askdifferent.com/* // @include https://askubuntu.com/* // @include https://serverfault.com/* // @include https://*.serverfault.com/* // @include https://stackapps.com/* // @include https://*.stackexchange.com/* // @include https://stackoverflow.com/* // @include https://*.stackoverflow.com/* // @include https://superuser.com/* // @include https://*.superuser.com/* // @grant none // @exclude https://chat.stackexchange.com/* // @exclude https://api.*.stackexchange.com/* // @exclude https://data.stackexchange.com/* // @exclude https://area51.stackexchange.com/* // ==/UserScript== // // Original versions by Kip Robinson: // 20090807 Was using getDay() instead of getDate() to get the day of month, resulted in incorrect day of month. // 20090817 Updated to parse new timestamp format. // 20090819 Made a little faster, still need this bug fixed to be ideal... // // Changes by Robert Munafo: // 20201009 Remove need for jQuery. Update match patterns for recent HTML changes. // Add original stackoverflow post (now censored) to a block comment near the bottom. // 20201010 Handle