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Random Boxes in the Shop in Pokemon GO    

During April 2023 the game offered me a lot of not-before-seen boxes (item bundles) in the in-game shop, drawn from a large range of possibilities.

As a player who has not bought any shop bundles in the past few years, I have been getting three "random" boxes every day. The prices, box names, and contents are shown below.

(In the following, berries are "Silver", "Pinap", "Golden", evolution items are "Dragon", "King's", "Unova"; and special items are: "Lucky" (Egg), "Star" (Piece))

date  ₽Name Contents repeat?
0406 75Ace 1 Incense, 1 Lucky, 1 Star
399Trainee 5 Golden, 3 Poffin, 20 Ultra Ball
750Great 10 Lucky, 10 Poffin, 10 Star
0407 625Great 2 Charged TM, 2 Fast TM, 1 King's, 1 Dragon
299Great 1 Egg Inc., 20 Great Ball, 1 Super Inc.
900Go Rocket3 MaxPot, 3 MaxRev, 3 Rocket Radar, 3 Super Inc.
0408 750Veteran 30 HyperPot, 50 MaxPot, 20 SuperPot
650Winter 15 MaxPot, 15 MaxRev, 15 Silver
1010Great 100 Great Ball, 5 Incense, 2 Lucky, 25 Ultra Ball
0409 650Winter 15 MaxPot, 15 MaxRev, 15 Silver *
499Ace 1 Dragon, 1 King's, 10 Pinap, 1 Unova
325Hatch 1 Egg Inc., 1 Incense, 10 Pinap, 1 Super Inc.
04101990Explorer 12 Egg Inc., 1 Lucky, 1 Star, 10 Super Inc.
1480Hatch 2 Egg Inc., 5 Incense, 13 Super Inc., 30 Ultra Ball
900Go Rocket3 MaxPot, 3 MaxRev, 3 Rocket Radar, 3 Super Inc. *
0411 900Explorer 3 MaxPot, 3 MaxRev, 3 Rocket Radar, 3 Super Inc.
1200Hatch 6 Egg Inc., 1 Incense, 1 Lure, 4 Super Inc.
450Go Rocket5 Star, 3 Myst. Comp.
0412 615Veteran 2 Charged TM, 2 Fast TM, 1 Incense, 1 Star
399Special 5 Golden, 3 Poffin, 20 Ultra Ball *
550Great 50 Great Ball, 50 Poké Ball, 50 Ultra Ball
0413 425Trainee 5 Poké Ball, 25 Great Ball, 50 Ultra Ball
750Veteran 10 Incense, 10 Lucky
550Great 50 Great Ball, 50 Poké Ball, 50 Ultra Ball *
04141150GO Rocket1 Charged TM, 7 Rocket Radar, 2 Star
75Ace 1 Incense, 1 Lucky, 1 Star *
200Explorer 1 Egg Inc., 1 Incense, 1 Lucky, 1 Super Inc.
0415 550Veteran 50 Great Ball, 50 Poké Ball, 50 Ultra Ball *
100GO Rocket50 Poké Ball, 1 Rocket Radar, 1 Star
1120Great 7 Incense, 7 Lucky, 7 Poffin, 7 Star
04161180Hatch 4 Egg Inc., 4 Star, 6 Super Inc., 30 Ultra Ball
900GO Rocket3 MaxPot, 3 MaxRev, 3 Rocket Radar, 3 Super Inc. *
150Boost 10 Great Ball, 1 Incense, 20 Poké Ball, 5 Ultra Ball
0417 750Winter 30 HyperPot, 50 MaxPot, 20 SuperPot *
100GO Rocket50 Poké Ball, 1 Rocket Radar, 1 Star *
980Explorer 4 Lucky, 4 Star, 6 Super Inc., 30 Ultra Ball
0418 500Explorer 5 Egg Inc., 1 Incense, 2 Super Inc.
980Hatch 4 Lucky, 4 Star, 6 Super Inc., 30 Ultra Ball *
650Great 15 MaxPot, 15 MaxRev, 15 Silver *
0419 950Veteran 2 Incense, 10 Star, 50 Ultra Ball
650Winter 10 Incense, 2 Lucky, 5 Poffin, 2 Star
750Great 10 Incense, 10 Lucky *
0420 85Trainee 1 Lucky, 1 Poffin, 1 Star
750Veteran 50 Nanab, 50 Pinap, 50 Razz
999Great 1 Lure, 15 Premium Battle Pass, 3 Silver Pinap
0421 900Explorer 3 MaxPot, 3 MaxRev, 3 Rocket Radar, 3 Super Inc. *
650Great 10 Incense, 2 Lucky, 5 Poffin, 2 Star *
1150GO Rocket1 Charged TM, 7 Rocket Radar, 2 Star *
0422 200Hatch 1 Egg Inc., 1 Incense, 1 Lucky, 1 Super Inc. *
550Training 1 Item Upg., 5 Lucky, 30 Poké Ball, 1 Pokémon Upg.
615Great 2 Charged TM, 2 Fast TM, 1 Incense, 1 Star *
0422b299Trainee 5 Golden, 50 Poké Ball
999Great Raid1 Lure, 15 Premium Battle Pass, 3 Silver Pinap *
1990Voyager 12 Egg Inc., 1 Lucky, 1 Star, 10 Super Inc. *
0423 325Explorer 1 Egg Inc., 1 Incense, 10 Pinap, 1 Super Inc. *
75Ace 1 Incense, 1 Lucky, 1 Star *
1480Hatch 2 Egg Inc., 5 Incense, 13 Super Inc., 30 Ultra Ball *
0423b375Trainee 125 Poke Ball, 2 Silver Pinap
999Great Raid1 Lure, 15 Premium Battle Pass, 3 Silver Pinap *
1990Voyager 12 Egg Inc., 1 Lucky, 1 Star, 10 Super Inc. *
0424 375Trainee 125 Poke Ball, 2 Silver Pinap *
999Great Raid1 Lure, 15 Premium Battle Pass, 3 Silver Pinap *
1990Voyager 12 Egg Inc., 1 Lucky, 1 Star, 10 Super Inc. *
Others seen in Jun 2023
215Trainee 1 Lucky, 50 Poké Ball
275Raid 2 Lucky, 3 Premium Battle Pass
300Raid 1 Star, 2 Remote Raid Pass
315Remote Raid5 HyperPot, 2 Remote Raid Pass
350Trainee 1 Lucky, 5 Premium Battle Pass
425Remote Raid3 Premium Battle Pass, 2 Remote Raid Pass
575Expert 5 Egg Inc., 10 HyperPot
650Remote Raid1 Poffin, 3 Premium Battle Pass, 3 Remote Raid Pass
999Explorer 4 Egg Inc., 2 Poffin, 5 Super Inc.
1100Great 5 Charged TM, 5 Fast TM
1485Voyager 10 Egg Inc., 2 Star, 5 Super Inc.
1500Solstice 9 Golden, 3 Remote Raid Pass, 9 Super Inc.
1900Hatch 6 Egg Inc., 2 Incense, 2 Poffin, 10 Super Inc.
1990Hatch 12 Egg Inc., 1 Lucky, 1 Star, 10 Super Inc.

These boxes stopped changing on April 24th, all of which I continued to see for two weeks or longer. I am counting the "0423b" set as part of the "random box" sample data because two of them are duplicates from several days earlier.

I got a total of 60 offers, 24 of which were repeats of offers seen in an earlier set of three (A "repeat" has the same item list and price, but the name of the box might differ). If these offers are drawn from a fixed set of possibilities, each different and each with equal liklihood, then there were about 57 possibilities in total.

I believe that the boxes were one-time offers for people who have not purchased shop item boxes. I had bought remote raid passes and event "tickets" like Community Day special research for $0.99. Others in my community who are not seeing new boxes every day are reporting that they have bought an item bundle, such as one of the boxes containing a lot of raid passes. These people by and large report having the same (three) box offers in their shop for a week or longer.

On April 24th I no longer saw new boxes, despite not having made any purchases. I suspect this represents the end of a trial period, and the game stopped showing me new things because of my lack of response to any of the offers, or because of some unrelated decision affecting all players.

In May 2023 I started seeing the random boxes again, and started adding them here only if they have a new price or new contents.

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This page was written in the "embarrassingly readable" markup language RHTF, and was last updated on 2023 Jun 18. s.27