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0.499908323039432 - RIES (RILYBOT Inverse Equation Solver)    

RIES command: ./ries --wide -l1 -s 0.499908323039432 Your target value: T = 0.499908323039432

equation root of equation distance from your target accurate to within complexity
x = 1/2
x = 0.5 = T + 9.1677e-05 1 part in 5453 35
x = e^-(1/3ⁿ√3)
x = 0.499892964562875 = T - 1.53585e-05 1 part in 32549 79
x = ln(3)^2-sqrt(x)
x = 0.499907552735551 = T - 7.70304e-07 1 part in 648975 81
x = sqrt(1/(1/8^pi+4))
x = 0.499909088109591 = T + 7.6507e-07 1 part in 653415 97
x = (x-2)ⁿ√(1/9+e)
x = 0.499907567697957 = T - 7.55341e-07 1 part in 661831 101
x = 1/e^(1/6)-ln(sqrt(2))
x = 0.499908134610641 = T - 1.88429e-07 1 part in 2653036 100
x = sqrt(1/((atan2(4,3))^2+pi))
x = 0.499908208101044 = T - 1.14938e-07 1 part in 4349359 98
sinpi((atan2(x))^2) = 5/8
x = 0.499908245490609 = T - 7.75488e-08 1 part in 6446369 97
x = (2 pi+e) x-4
x = 0.499908320835807 = T - 2.20363e-09 1 part in 2.269e+08 106

Legend and Statistics: atan2(y,x) = Angle of ray from origin through point (y,x) pi = 3.14159... e = base of natural logarithms, 2.71828... sinpi(X) = sin(pi * x) ln(x) = natural logarithm or log base e sqrt(x) = square root Aⁿ√B = Ath root of B --LHS-- --RHS-- -Total- max complexity: 62 56 118 dead-ends: 793351 1210614 2003965 Time: 0.132 expressions: 54186 75021 129207 distinct: 32611 29151 61762 Memory: 4352KiB Total equations tested: 950643261 (9.506e+08)

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